" From our first dealings with Kolong, we were impressed with his remarkable ability to get projects done quickly, efficiently and at low cost, with enthusiastic participation from local people."   

- Dennis Schroeder, Treasurer, Hanti Sidra One Global Family, Canada

Partner with us

PADA has worked with a number of partners (both organizations and individuals) in South Sudan, and we are always seeking new partnerships in a number of areas, from agriculture specialists to construction and teacher training.

profile of a partner

A partnership between PADA and Hanti Sidra One Global Family in Canada began with a chance meeting (not really; it was meant to be) in 2006 between Kolong and Dennis Schroeder, a member of Hanti Sidra's board of directors.  

Hanti Sidra is a registered Canadian charity based in Sidney BC.  It began its involvement in Eritrea in 1992, a year before that country's independence and just months after a 30-year liberation struggle had ended.  Its goal has been to help people suffering from the scourge of war, drought, disease and dislocation to start their lives over again, preferably in their own country. It tries to identify and support indigenous groups and organizations that are doing good work helping their fellow citizens in education, health care, agriculture and small business development. It has been doing the same thing in South Sudan and has provided about $600,000 in financial support to PADA since getting involved there.


Apart from ongoing partnerships, PADA also contracts with international and local agencies for work on specific projects.  It only makes sense for the UN and international funders to contract with local South Sudanese organizations wherever possible.  PADA has the knowledge and expertise to mobilize and motivate local people to work on projects that benefit them and we are able to deliver efficiently at a lower cost that foreign agencies can do.  One of our largest contracts was with UN Habitat to provide housing and water supply for about 600 returnee families in the Greater Wau and Aweil areas in 2014.   We have been involved in numerous other contracted projects as well, described on our Projects pages.

get in touch with us    

We'd love to hear from you, and discuss how we can work together.