"We seek to create partnerships with the poorest and most vulnerable, empowering them to improve their living conditions."


About PADA

Pan Aweil Development Agency is a non-profit South Sudanese organization founded in Juba in 2009 and based in Aweil (Aweil state, Greater Bahr el Ghazal region). It was first certified as a Community Based Organization by the Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in January 2010.

PADA has three general areas of operation:

1) Comprehensive integrated rural community development
The first model of this approach is the Majok Adim rural community development program, located in Majok Adim payam, Marial Baai county. The three main objectives of the program are to: a) improve access to a range of services not now available in Majok Adim; b) empower local people to become active participants in the development of their community rather than passive recipients of aid; and c) introduce new skills and opportunities for many local residents, particularly women and young people.
Specifically, the program involves the construction of buildings and physical facilities where educational, health care, agricultural and social services and clean water can be provided to the local people. It also involves the maintenance and management of facilities after completion and the planning and development of new projects initiated by local people.
PADA has two main partners in this program. The Majok Adim traditional leadership structure is made up of village chiefs and elders, as well as leaders of village women and youth. It is involved in all aspects of planning and developing projects, mobilizing the support of the local community, and taking ownership of all project facilities. Hanti Sidra One Global Family, a registered Canadian charitable organization, has so far been the lead financier of the initial phases of the program.

2) Commercial wholesale/retail trade
To generate more funding for future projects, we intend to operate profit making commercial ventures. As a Community Based Organization, PADA cannot distribute profits to shareholders. Instead, it uses its profitable operations to cross-subsidize ventures that are of great social benefit but are not able to break even financially. Regardless of whether they are profitable or not, all ventures must be operated using sound business principles, providing good products and services at the lowest possible cost.
The first ventures have been the importation of various commodities and their sale, either directly to consumers or to retail merchants in Aweil. More recently, PADA has become involved in a large-scale agricultural venture. The feasibility of other ventures is also being studied. Investors or donors are invited to provide the initial capital.

3) Contracting
We endeavor to contract with governments, NGOs and private businesses to provide goods or services. These could take a variety of forms. They could be contracts to provide supplies for governments or private businesses; they could provide services for foreign NGOs that have funding but not the local capacity to complete projects in South Sudan; or they could be joint ventures with agencies interested in collaborating with PADA.  To date, PADA has contracted with UNMISS and UN Habitat in implementing both small and large scale projects.

From 2010 to 2015, PADA has expended US$1.75 million on development projects in South Sudan.  For more information on our work, please go to Projects



To use efficient and ethical business operating principles and practices to generate surplus revenues that fund initiatives enabling people in South Sudan to improve their lives in measurable ways.

  • To initiate, supervise and manage the development of small scale community projects in South Sudan, primarily in the areas of clean water supply, health care, education, agriculture, conflict resolution, sports and other youth activities.
  • To maximize the participation of local people in the development and management of projects in their communities.
  • To inform and educate local people in areas such as hygiene, sanitation, personal and family health care, food production and preparation, building construction and skills development.
  • To provide project development consultancy services to other agencies and organizations.
  • To attract and channel funding from domestic and international sources to projects and activities of the Organization.
  • To strive to ensure that projects developed by the Organization become self-supporting within a reasonable period of time.



PADA seeks to create partnerships with people in South Sudan, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable, in order to draw on and enhance their capacities to achieve goals they set to improve their living conditions.

PADA gives priority to facilitating improvements in the areas of clean water supply; hygiene, sanitation personal and family health care; agriculture, food production and preparation; building construction; small-scale business enterprises; education and skills development.  It attempts to integrate as many of these improvements as possible into each developmental initiative.

PADA welcomes support from--and partnerships or co-operation with--any governments, organizations or individuals that share its goals and values.

